The distance between kathmandu to chitwan is 180 km , and from Pokhara to Chitwan is 160 KM . So the driving distance from kathmandu to chitwan is 6 hours if there is no traffic and its same for Pokhara to Chitwan .

For traveling in Nepal for Tourist , there are many options which are Private transport ( Car , Jeep , Van, Bus which can be reserved with private driver for all the tour ) , There is also option to fly in domestic airlines to mani destination and in Chitwan we have BHARATPUR Airport ( Airport Code : BHR ).

Kathmandu Pokhara Chitwan map

The final mode of transportation is by the Tourist coach which is available in main tourist destination of Nepal . Tourist bus in Nepal is the most economical way of traveling . The tourist coach to Chitwan has the bus with 35 seats and with air-conditioned .

So for the transfer from Kathmandu to Chitwan , Chitwan to Kathmandu OR Pokhara to chitwan or Chitwan to Pokhara we have 3 options as below. If you want us to arrange it, just let us know, we can arrange it for you.

Private car with private driver in Nepal: Inquiry Now

Private car pick us in morning from hotel in kathmandu to chitwan and drive back from chitwan to kathmandu cost you
Private car from Kathmandu to Chitwan is  around 5 hours drive in a private air-conditioned car. 

The benefit of traveling in hiring or renting private car in Nepal is that its comfortable , we can stop any place for photographs , lunch , coffee .

PRICES : Price for Kathmandu to Chitwan in Private Car and traveling from Chitwan to  kathmandu on private car starts from USD 220 and the price varies as per the car standard, upon which you prefer Sedan car , SUV Car, Jeep and many other options

2. Tourist coach transportation in Nepal: Inquiry Now

In Nepal , for traveling to chitwan and many other tourist destination , there are the option of tourist bus , which are air-conditioned and are comfortable . There are many options such as standard tourist bus , mid luxury bus , and sofa seater vip bus .

Destination Duration Departure time From Standard
Kathmandu to chitwan tourist bus 6-7 hours drive,  if no traffic Departs every morning at 7 am in morning from thamel, Kathmandu 35 seater air-conditioned bus
Chitwan to Kathmandu tourist bus 6-7 hours drive,  if no traffic Departs every morning at 7 am in morning from Chitwan, Chitwan 35 seater air-conditioned bus
Pokhara to chitwan tourist bus 6-7 hours drive,  if no traffic Departs every morning at 7 am in morning from toursit bus station, Pohara 35 seater air-conditioned bus
Chitwan to Pokhara tourist bus 6-7 hours drive,  if no traffic Departs every morning at 7 am in morning from Chitwan Chitwan 35 seater air-conditioned bus

PRICES : Price for Kathmandu to Chitwan and back to kathmandu and similary from and to Pokhara starts from USD  10 - USD 17 per person per way and the and the price varies as per the bus standard, which you prefer Standard bus , or Luxury bus or VIP Sofa seater bus .

3. Flight Option :  Inquiry Now

Every day we have around 7-9 flights coming to Chitwan from Kathmandu and flying back to Kathmandu also. 
 Its 20 minutes flight and airport is a 30 minutes drive from Chitwan National Park . 

The airport in chitwan is named as BHARATPUR Airport ( Airport Code : BHR )

PRICES :The flight prices fluctuates as per the passenger volumes ( USD 120-USD 132 Per Person Per way . )